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Gallery list


Exhibition Opening with Special Performance Exhibition Opening with Special Performance (5) Künstlerische Einblicke und Ausblicke in Bild und Text und Ton Künstlerische Einblicke und Ausblicke in Bild und Text und Ton (61) Gallery Steiner Vienna Gallery Steiner Vienna (12) July/August 2022 July/August 2022 (14) Contemplation Contemplation (6) The feminine answer to Maurizio Cattelan's "Comedian" The feminine answer to Maurizio Cattelan's "Comedian" (27) Port Gallery Barcelona in collaboration with the gallery Steiner Vienna Port Gallery Barcelona in collaboration with the gallery Steiner Vienna (16) Ausstellung Galerie Steiner Wien Ausstellung Galerie Steiner Wien (10) Ausstellung Galerie Steiner Wien März 2022 Ausstellung Galerie Steiner Wien März 2022 (24) Engilgasse 7/1/5a, 1160 Wien Engilgasse 7/1/5a, 1160 Wien (37) Eine Gruppenausstellung zu Iakovos Kambanellis "Die Freiheit kam im Mai" kuratiert von Elena Strubakis Eine Gruppenausstellung zu Iakovos Kambanellis "Die Freiheit kam im Mai" kuratiert von Elena Strubakis (17) Soloshow at the Gallery Steiner Vienna 2020 Soloshow at the Gallery Steiner Vienna 2020 (24) Soloshow at the Gallery Steiner Vienna 2020 Soloshow at the Gallery Steiner Vienna 2020 (29) Bella Bayer Gartenausstellung GARTEN und KUNST 2020 Bella Bayer Gartenausstellung GARTEN und KUNST 2020 (45) Elke Schmölzer Solo Show Icons Galerie Kalina Regen Elke Schmölzer Solo Show Icons Galerie Kalina Regen (30) Red Dot Miami 2019 Red Dot Miami 2019 (17) Affordable Art Fair Stockholm 2019 Affordable Art Fair Stockholm 2019 (50) Soloshow in der Galerie Steiner Wien Soloshow in der Galerie Steiner Wien (35) garten(t)raum im coronamodus garten(t)raum im coronamodus (39) Elke Schmoelzer at Affordable Art Fair New York 2022 Elke Schmoelzer at Affordable Art Fair New York 2022 (13) SOLOSHOW at Saphira & Ventura Gallery - NYC March 2022 SOLOSHOW at Saphira & Ventura Gallery - NYC March 2022 (48) LA Art Show 2020 LA Art Show 2020 (66) Special Exchange Exhibition 2020 Special Exchange Exhibition 2020 (47) Christmas Exhibition at The Gallery Steiner Vienna Christmas Exhibition at The Gallery Steiner Vienna (16) Limited Edition - Schönbrunn Christmas bubbles Limited Edition - Schönbrunn Christmas bubbles (8) Schönbrunn Christbaumkugeln Schönbrunn Christbaumkugeln (0) Elke Schmölzer "Icons" as Original Enamel-plates from Riess Elke Schmölzer "Icons" as Original Enamel-plates from Riess (5) Art Marbella 2019 - Marbella, Spanien - Impressionen Art Marbella 2019 - Marbella, Spanien - Impressionen (50) Art Bodensee - Impressionen Art Bodensee - Impressionen (50) Icons Icons (81) The Fabulous Wine Walk 2019 The Fabulous Wine Walk 2019 (50) c a p t a i n s _ c a f e _ n y c  _ 2 0 1 9 c a p t a i n s _ c a f e _ n y c _ 2 0 1 9 (44) Art Expo New York 2019 - Impressions Art Expo New York 2019 - Impressions (20) impressionen impressionen (62) story telling is great fun! .. story telling is great fun! .. (13) love is the message love is the message (19) stonefaces stonefaces (26) la catrina la catrina (13) autumn world autumn world (12) artspace outdoors – garden artspace outdoors – garden (84) unterwasserwelt unterwasserwelt (28) osterzeit osterzeit (10) brigid brigid (11) w i n t e r t r a u m w i n t e r t r a u m (33) postcards postcards (11) mandalas mandalas (42) lebkuchenart lebkuchenart (11) elke schmoelzer puzzles elke schmoelzer puzzles (10) begegnungen begegnungen (15) side views side views (17) p o t p o u r r i p o t p o u r r i (19) schneeskulpturen schneeskulpturen (13) b a b y b a u c h b a b y b a u c h (7) "am schauplatz" visiting "am schauplatz" visiting (21) w e r k (e ) r a u m  turnergasse 2 0 1 2 / 1 3 w e r k (e ) r a u m turnergasse 2 0 1 2 / 1 3 (25) fire ceremonies fire ceremonies (17) biokompost leicht gemacht.. biokompost leicht gemacht.. (11) painting book for adults painting book for adults (23) painting book for children painting book for children (23) w o   -   g e h t    -  d i e   -   r e i s e   -   h i n ..? w o - g e h t - d i e - r e i s e - h i n ..? (18) artspace indoors - studio artspace indoors - studio (37) w a t e r w a t e r (21) the stony bible the stony bible (25) die bretter der letzten sechs jahre die bretter der letzten sechs jahre (21) samstag in der stadt samstag in der stadt (26) c a p t a i n s   c a f e    n y c 2012 c a p t a i n s c a f e n y c 2012 (8) b a u b o b a u b o (39) and how are you? and how are you? (28)


this site is a process as life - always changing- sometimes waves are silent - sometimes rough - enjoy!

© elke schmölzer 2022  impressum | Site created with Visia

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